
Sunday, January 6, 2008

Von Chelton Dolls on it Out!

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One Day While Walking

Once upon a time when I was walking,

I stumbled upon a sign that read "NO CROSSING"

The path I would take led to a bridge

I would cross to the other side.

I continued to move forward not saying

a word, although I could hear the whispers

among the trees, and the birds. It would be

a while before another bridge would be in sight,

so I continue to move on enjoying the sunlight.

As I passed the beautiful flowers that had bloomed

along the way I could hear some of the larger animals,

as they would run and play, through bushes through

the weeds and up the trees and down. This was a busy place,

much busier than the town. I spoke not a word but continued

on my way, for I couldn't wait to tell all my friends about

my day. The bridge was now upon me and I crossed it with a

smile for now I was home. I was back in town!

Sue Elaine Rainey,Simpson